
“My worth cannot be changed.” This is the life changing, empowering message of the Shine Program. Shine Program is designed to speak to each girl about her Worth, her Strength, and her Purpose. The goal of Shine, ultimately, is to come alongside of each girl as she grows and develops into the person she will become, by way of helping her to understand herself, and to love herself.

As mentors of the Shine Program, we have discovered in our own journeys from girlhood to womanhood, that most unkind behaviors between girls (and women) stem from insecurity and inner pain/turmoil. It is our hope and belief that if we can speak to these heart issues in the girls while they are young and open, we will see that as they learn to embrace who they are, they can also then begin to embrace others.

Our Shine Program motto is: “We shine brighter together.”

We have a vision for a community of girls who build one another up instead of tear each other down. We believe bringing the Shine Program into the elementary and middle schools is an excellent place to start.

Shine Girl is a non-religious curriculum that was written to be used in any setting or environment where girls are gathered, equipping them to become effective global citizens for the future.


Equip the girls to:
*Identify themselves as valuable with much to contribute to society
*Build confidence and gain an understanding of intrinsic value
*Develop decision making and problem solving skills
*Understand they are able to have a positive influence in their world
*Identify personal desires and strengths to motivate them to set and achieve personal goals

We will go about achieving these goals through means such as:
*Leader facilitated group discussions, and small group discussions
*Having the girls participate in self- reflection exercises, and then document their discoveries
*Songs and dance
*Creating a safe space for the girls to experience belonging and “sisterhood”
*Creative projects for self-expression and goal setting

Check with the school administration to inquire about Shine Program registration for your daughter.

 Middle School Shine

Elementary School Shine