About Open Door Project: Our Mission

The Open Door Project is an official 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to empower the children of this community with self worth. Kids of all ages participate in our programs each week. Our programs are uniquely designed to equip children with tools to help them successfully navigate the challenges they face in their daily lives.

Set up as a coffeeshop, the Open Door Project provides a warm and inviting atmosphere for kids to explore their feelings, express themselves through creative means such as art, music, and dance, as well as group discussions and personal mentorship. We believe that when children are given a safe space, and community within that space, they will thrive.

All of our work at the Open Door Project speaks directly to the core needs of each human being. I am valued. I am loved. I belong. We intentionally create programs and projects that help children integrate these truths into their minds and hearts.

Our hope and belief is that the children will benefit from having their basic needs met (as outlined in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs), and will grow to be well rounded, contributing citizens. In addition, the Open Door Project strives to bring light into the darkness. We believe that hope drives back despair. We believe love truly is stronger than hate. While our town, and many others, struggle with the dark influence of bullying, drugs, alcohol addiction, and the ever increasing problems presented by social media, we choose to light a candle rather than cursing the darkness.

As Fred Rogers said, “Anything that is human in mentionable. And anything that is mentionable is manageable. ” We want to provide the children with a place to mention anything, and help them find ways to manage those issues.

“Blessed is the influence of one, true, loving human soul upon another.” -George Elliot

The staff at Open Door Project is committed to being that loving influence. Alone we can do some things. But together we can do many things! We invite your support.