I Matter

“You Matter” is the message at the heart of everything we do at Open Door Project.  Every child needs to know and believe that they matter if they are going to thrive.  As a child, when we interact with caring adults, who help us to understand that we matter, and who give us the experience of being important, it impacts us on a developmental level.  As an organization, we have witnessed firsthand the transformation that takes place in a child when they begin to grasp the truth of their intrinsic value.  We cannot prevent all bullying.  We cannot give every child a stable home life.  There are so many variables that are outside of our control.  But we can empower children with the truth of their value, and help them create inner resilience to face the difficulties of life.

 I Matter Program takes place at Pine Grove Elementary School.  Students from Kindergarten through 4th grade participate bi weekly in the I Matter Program.  Each grade level meets in the LGI Room during a recess period to sing, draw, hear stories, have group discussion, and do activities.  The students receive a small reinforcement gift for attending the program.

Currently we have approx. 195 students attending I Matter Program. 

The students come bursting into the LGI room with smiles and anticipation, and leave with waves and always the question, “When do we have I Matter again?”

Every student “is one caring adult away from being a success story”, (Josh Shipp).  It is our desire to be that caring adult.  Each time a student attends I Matter Program they are reminded that they in fact DO matter.  And that is something we all need to feel and believe in order to become a thriving human being.     

Check with the school administration to inquire about registering your student for I Matter.